How to Keep Your Headboard Looking Brand New: The Ultimate Guide

Headboards are a defining piece in any bedroom that infuses the element of luxury and sophistication.

They come in multiple designs, materials, and sizes to complement the bedroom atmosphere.

But without proper maintenance, even premium headboards can lose their elegance.

Don’t leave your headboard in tatters. Read this ultimate guide on how to clean a fabric headboard and preserve that brand-new look.

How to clean a fabric headboard

Let’s start with the least homeowners can do for headboard maintenance—cleaning it.

1. Use a portable vacuum to remove accumulated dust

Before deep cleaning your headboard with solvents, use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of dust and light dirt.

Vacuuming your headboard removes any sharp debris that can potentially damage the fabric, especially during cleaning.

For a better clean, use vacuum cleaners with built-in steam cleaning features and upholstery brush attachments. These are useful for cleaning and maintaining headboards made of wool, suede, velvet, and leather.

To prevent the vacuum cleaner from adding clutter to your bedroom, consider getting a deep-storage ottoman bed. Storage beds, for example, give you more than enough space to store your vacuum cleaner, shoes, and bags, among other items.

The best part is storage beds can look luxurious and stylish. Our Mirage storage bed garnered hundreds of positive reviews from customers who are happy with its fashionable look despite its sturdy steel storage mechanism.

2. Check the label for care information

Choose cleaning products and methods based on the material your headboard is made of.

Premium headboards can be composed of various materials, including but not limited to velvet, linen, leather, and textured weave.

For example, our Matisse headboard can be made with a range of fabrics and leather, including stain-resistant velvet, genuine leather, and textured weave.

To preserve the headboard’s condition and rich colour, only use the cleaning method advised for each material.

You can also read the label to understand which cleaning methods won’t damage the fabric on upholstered headboards. 

Below is a quick definition of the labels you should look out for:

  • W (Wet clean): Can be cleaned with water-based solvents.
  • A (Dry clean): Can be cleaned with any solvent.
  • F (Dry clean): Can be cleaned with petroleum-based solvents.
  • P (Dry clean): Can be cleaned with petroleum-based solvents and perchloroethylene.

If you have a wooden headboard, a mixture of warm water and liquid soap should be enough to remove built-up dirt and oil. But if you own a premium upholstered headboard, double-check the material used and only use the right cleaning products to avoid causing damage.

After cleaning your fabric headboard, always allow the fabric to dry by wiping it with a clean cloth or by simply letting it air-dry. You may also use a blow dryer to remove moisture from your headboard faster.

Remember that certain fabrics, like linen, may be ruined by a scrubbing motion.

For linen headboards, use a white cloth to blot out spots instead of wiping. Do this when applying your cleaning solution and drying out the fabric.

3. Remove stains from your headboard

Spills, dirt, and leftover hair products can cause long-lasting stains on your upholstered headboard.

Some stains can be extremely difficult to remove, especially on headboards with grooved designs, such as our Vertical Lines headboard, where spills and dirt deposits can seep in.

To protect your headboard from stains caused by spills, act fast and follow these steps.

  • Stop the spill from spreading with paper towels or a clean cloth to soak up the liquid.
  • Mix a mild detergent with water and wipe or blot at the affected area.
  • Use another clean cloth, paper towel, or hair dryer to dry the spot.

For tough stains, use a fabric cleaner or stain remover instead of detergent mixed with water.

Test if the mixture causes discolouration by wiping it on a hidden, negligible part of your headboard, then waiting a few minutes. The safest route, however, is to contact the headboard manufacturer for cleaning instructions.

If the stain is greasy, apply baking soda or baby powder on the spot before cleaning. Whatever you do, don’t scrub delicate fabrics like suede, velvet, or linen to prevent permanent damage.

Finally, remove dry stains by using white vinegar to clean the affected area. Be sure to test how the fabric reacts to vinegar first before using it.

4. Use baking soda and scented fabric spray to eliminate odours

A premium headboard may look aesthetically pleasing when cleaned. But unless you deal with the musty or pungent odour after a period of uncleanliness, it will ruin your bedroom’s vibe.

Baking soda is a popular home remedy for stubborn, unpleasant odours. It works by absorbing and neutralising odour-causing particles.

To use baking soda for odour elimination, dampen a cloth, add around two tablespoons of baking soda, and wipe it into your headboard.

Wait for 15 minutes before vacuuming any residue on the fabric.

Again, avoid scrubbing baking soda on over-sensitive fabrics.

Baking soda is abrasive and too harsh on materials like velvet and linen. It should also be used with caution on leather headboards since it can lead to fine, noticeable scratches.

After applying baking soda, finish off with scented fabric spray to keep your headboard smelling fresh.

5. Upgrade your headboard

If any of the tips above don’t work, remember that you can always request to reupholster your headboard. Alternatively, you can swap out your old headboard and purchase a new one.

This time, pay attention to the manufacturer’s fabric options and the material’s features. Linwood Omega, for example, creates stain-resistant upholstery fabric that local manufacturers can use in custom-made-to-order headboards.

The Abstract headboard lets you mix and match your preferred material with your favourite colour and wood finish.

How do you protect a headboard?

To preserve the quality of your premium headboard, vacuum it at least once a week to prevent dust and dirt buildup.

You should also give an upholstered headboard a deep clean once a month.

Here are a few more tips that will maximise the longevity and brand-new look of your headboard:

  • Ensure it isn’t scratching against the wall. Get wobbly headboards fixed to protect the material behind them. Rubber door bumpers can also prevent them from making direct contact with the wall.
  • Use a stain protectant. Unless your headboard has stain-resistant fabric, consider applying a water protectant to your upholstered headboard. Carefully read the product’s instructions to know the proper application method and frequency.
  • Consider a headboard protection cover. A surefire way to protect the pristine look of your premium headboard is to use a protection cover whenever you’re leaving the house. You can also drape a blanket over the headboard for quick and convenient protection.

How to Maintain Your Headboard: FAQs

How do you clean a fabric headboard (UK)?

To clean your fabric headboard, start by vacuuming it. This will get rid of the dust and loose dirt that has built up over time. To remove stains, you’ll need to use a cleaning solution and water – check the care label on your headboard before you do this. The last thing you want is to make that stain any worse!

How do you protect a headboard?

Regularly clean your headboard to maintain its fresh look and smell. To protect the headboard against spills, treat the fabric with a water-protectant spray.

Why does my headboard squeak?

If your headboard produces squeaking sounds, check the joints for any loose screws and bolts. Tightening them with a wrench or screwdriver should fix the issue.

How do you dust a fabric headboard?

Regularly vacuuming your headboard, preferably with an upholstery brush attachment, will keep it dust-free and prevent buildup. Commit to a monthly deep cleaning routine to preserve your headboard’s brand-new look.

Get the perfect headboard today

Contact us today if you’re looking for a premium upholstered headboard hand-made in the UK. You choose the size, material, and product design—we’ll handle the rest.