Mattress sizes – the right mattress for you

This last week, one of our customers came to test out our mattresses at the showroom. And boy did he test them out! He actually fell asleep on one of them! Yes you heard that right, fell asleep… We didn’t blame him though, if we could have had a little nap we would have too. So how do you know which mattress is the right one for you? Do you know what mattress sizes and options are even available? mattress sizes

There are so many different mattress styles and mattress sizes, it can be difficult to know which is the one you should choose. So if you need a little assistance getting those forty winks, we have your back, eyes closed and all.

Depending on how hot you get whilst sleeping, depends on how much you might mould to the mattress. This material can also be excellent for sleepers who have chronic back problems, it’s recommended to visit TryMattress – top mattress for back problems to learn more how it can help you sleep better at night. You will find useful information for your next mattress purchase.

Mattress Sizes

Start with the mattress sizes first. You cannot decide upon a mattress style until you know what size you can actually fit. Now most people go for the biggest that will fit into their room. But here is a breakdown of actual sizes and what they mean (in our terms).

Single – 90 x 190 (3ft) – Perfect for an individual, particularly in a children’s room. For those considering separate mattresses, two together would make a super king size.

Small Double – 120 x 190 (4ft)- Lots of space for one. Ok for two on an irregular basis, or the odd night. We just say you can’t have had an argument before you go to bed. It’s a cosy double or oversized single.

British Double – 135 x 190 (4ft6)- The size of bed the majority of our nation sleeps on. Note to all those sleeping in larger beds, this size is absolutely fine for two people.

Continental Double – 140 x 200 – A size brought over from the continent and great for those in need of a little extra length, but that don’t have the extra width. Designed for tall people with small bedrooms.

British King – 150 x 200 (5ft)- Optimum space for two people. Suitable for a king of course.

Continental King – 160 x 200 – If you can’t quite stretch to the next size up, this is a brilliantly close second. A roomy bed for two.

Super King – 180 x 200 (6ft)- The largest standard mattress size available. This is for those who see each other enough during the day and really value uninterrupted sleep time.

(Width x Length, in cm)

mattress sizes
This bed is a king size, even though this room could fit a super king. It allows plenty of space for around the bed
Mattress Styles

Now we have sorted the sizes, you now need to narrow down which type of mattress might be best for you. Now we always say, never read anything about a mattress until you have tested it. The proof is in the pudding, and you shouldn’t force yourself to like something just because ‘it contains the latest material’. Or ‘because it’s the most expensive, it must be the best’. This is absolutely not the case, it is always personal preference.

So here are the main style groups, and if you really must read more about them before testing them, find out more:

Pocket sprung – This is the most traditional British mattress there is. They are made up of pockets containing springs. Each spring is incased in a little wool pocket, and the amount in the mattress depends on what mattress it is. Typically, the more springs the mattress contains, the firmer the mattress becomes.

Memory Foam – Memory Foam has been put through numerous studies and it is becoming an increasingly popular mattress material. It is heat receptive, so moulds to your body giving you body support where you need it. Depending on how hot you get whilst sleeping, depends on how much you might mould to the mattress.

Latex – The newest material on the market, latex is finally starting to breakthrough the market. Not the material that some of you might be allergic to, latex works in a similar yet opposite way to memory foam. It isn’t heat receptive so you don’t sink into it, but it does still give you body support where you need it. We aliken it to putting your hand on top of jelly. The jelly would fill the open spaces. And if you haven’t ever put your hand on top of jelly – try it! It’s messy, but fun!

A mixture – Sometimes one material just isn’t good enough, and with the rise of adding toppers some mattresses now contain a mixture. This can vary from brand to brand, we only have one hybrid mattress, which is a mixture of 1200 pocket springs and a layer of memory foam on the top. (It’s the one I have – the best mattress ever – in my opinion of course)

Don’t be afraid to visit us and fall asleep on our mattresses too. Don’t worry, we always take falling asleep as a compliment.