london showroom

Have you been to our London Showroom?

We have a question to ask you, and that is, have you been to our London Showroom? Did you know that we even had a London Showroom? And why London? We hope that you can find lots of the information you need to know or want to know on our website. But there is nothing quite the same as visiting a showroom and touching a product. Sitting down on a product, or lying down on one. Sometimes it is just nice to see things, for real, before buying them.

We are actually based in Nottingham, and this is where our workshops are. We have a team of highly skilled craftspeople (men and woman) that make our products to order. They are in fact a Furl team, and the workshop is ours. However a few years ago, gosh it must be nearly five, we thought about opening a showroom. Now Nottingham isn’t that far when you are from Nottingham. But we were finding that most of our customers were actually from London. So London to Nottingham was perhaps a bit far. So that is exactly why we opened a London Showroom.

Open two days a week by appointment, we have most of our products here to see, test and try. If you are coming to see something specifically then please ring us and we can let you know if we have it. The appointments are available to book in 30 minute increments. But you don’t have to leave after 30 minutes. In fact you can stay as long as you like or need to. We will be around to chat to when you need us, or keep ourselves to ourselves if you don’t.

London Showroom

Do I have to book an appointment to visit your london showroom?

The short answer is yes. We only open when you book an appointment. So if you don’t book and turn up, there is a chance that we might not actually be here. And we wouldn’t want that to happen. We are open on Wednesdays and Saturdays and the appointments can be booked here.. Or ring if you’d prefer and we can book you in.

Our London Showroom really is a place for you to relax, roam and learn more about our products. David (Furl’s Founder) and I will be here to speak to you as much or as little as you would like. And we can’t wait to meet you.