Bed Room
There’s lots of space in your bedroom, you just have to find it
We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. And when you think about it like that, we begin to wish we were vampires that didn’t need any sleep. But as we aren’t (thank goodness), we need to make sure that our bedroom is just as we want it to be. As we actually spend a lot more time in there than anywhere else in the house. Granted, most of the time sleeping, but still! One of the top tips for getting to sleep more easily is to make your bedroom conducive to sleep. The advice is that your mind should feel relaxed, and in turn ‘clutter free’. This means that your bedroom also needs to be a relaxing place and also ‘clutter free’. Probably meaning that you need more storage. Out of sight, out of mind right? Easy access to that storage is a must, as although it might just look like clutter, you do actually need it all. Furl Storage Beds are easy to open, and a great storage solution not taking up any more space in your room. Every bedroom needs a bed, and so why not have a bed with storage? The Max Bed can store a whopping 1,100 cubic litres of clutter at King size. Finding space for all of your clothes that you didn’t know what to do with, hiding away any spare bedding and even storing that suitcase loitering in the corner of your room with nowhere to go.
This isn’t the only storage bed solution that Furl has though. With four other beds to choose from, there is a style to suit everyone. Made to order, they can also come with or without headboards too. You choose from the 1000’s of fabrics, including leather or wood, so that your bed looks exactly the way you want it to. Having as much storage as possible in your bedroom is vital for helping you to get a little more shuteye. Most bedrooms have bedside tables and so make sure that you add in a bedside with drawers. Drawers will allow you to pop most of what’s on top of your bedside table into it. Or give you a bonus drawer for PJs or underwear. If you don’t have space for a standard width bedside table, then we actually make bedside tables that fix to your bed. This means that they take up much less space. We call them The F Table, as this is their shape. But the top shelf can be made shorter if you really don’t have the space for it. They also come in a variety of wooden finishes, and can be added on to your bed at any time. Blanket Boxes are also a great storage solution if you have space at the end of your bed to fit one. The lid lifts to reveal the storage inside. They are a great place to store shoes, and to then be used as a seat to put said shoes on.