Furl Trade Programme

We work with interior designers and architects
Because we make most of products we sell, we can offer a completely bespoke service to designers wanting to specify our storage beds, sofa beds and complementary accessories to their customers.
Whether you need a storage bed that has to fit between two walls or you need a headboard that’s 3 meters high we’ll work with you or directly with your client. We have accounts with most of the fabric houses and we can use any fabric you specify.
Made in the UK and delivered Quickly
Everything we make is bespoke in one way or another, size and fabric, we can work with you to make any special designs your clients may need too.
Because we make everything in our workshops in the UK, we have fast turn around times if needed. Get in touch today to discuss your current or next project.

Apply now and get 10% Trade Discount
It’s easy to apply to join our Trade Programme. Please fill the form below and send us proof that you have been trading as an interior designer for over two years along with two trade references and your website and/or Instagram/social profiles.